Wouldn't ya' freaking know, today of all days Miguel decides to get sick again. We have been battling a clear runny nose and cough for almost a month. We went to see Dr. Kennedy last week and it turned out Miguel had a sinus infection and ear infection, so we started on Amoxil and Zyrtec for suspected allergies. He seemed to be doing much better. Never ran fever, runny nose and cough disappeared, and I became a pro at hiding the antibiotic in whatever he was eating.
We were bummed out last week that I had to re-schedule his one year photos and family session...yes, I am aware he is almost 14 months old, but we were waiting for him to walk...with Jen. After once again juggling schedules, we decided on his photo session tomorrow morning...the clothes were picked out, cleaned, iron and ready to go. Best laid plans. Miguel woke up from his nap this afternoon with 102 fever and a clear runny nose. So instead of meeting Jen tomorrow morning for our session at Prather Park, we are heading to the pediatrician's office to see what is going on with Miguel. Oh, and let me add that we are flying to Baton Rouge on Sunday for the week. Fun times, let me tell you. Fun times.
We did manage to have fun this morning. Miguelito likes to put the colander on his head and run around (see photo) and we squeezed in a visit to Curtis Park in University Park.
Colander hat and an XBOX 360 controller...what more can a little boy ask for?
This is my mean face. If you tell Daddy, I was playing with the XBOX controller I will scream LOUD!