I am finally back online after what seemed like an eternity without a laptop. I am now the proud owner of a Dell XPS M1330 laptop with all the bells and whistles. Honestly, what did we do before computers and the internet?!?!
Lots has happened since my little hiatus from blogging, so let me give you the quick run down. Miguelito is pretty much sleeping through the night now except for a brief wake up because his pacifier is lost (even though he has 3 in the crib) and he needs a hug, Miguel flew to Phoenix to teach a Sharepoint class to a bunch of wannabe uber geeks, my mom aka Sweetie flew to Dallas to visit with Miguelito and me, Miguelito's runny nose turned into a hacking cough, sinus infection and ear infection, shopped for the perfect outfits for our family photo session I had to cancel our family photo session with Jen for last weekend, multiple emails to Miguel while attempting to re-schedule said photo session, Miguel flew home, Sweetie flew back home to Baton Rouge, and Miguelito learned how to give us a cheeseburger smile, which has yet to be captured on camera.
So, I am back and everyone is caught up on my life with dos Miguels!
Here is Sweetie and Miguel:
Haha, I totally agree, it's hard to imagine life without computers! And YAY for sleeping through the night, that's awesome!
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