Saturday, February 2, 2008

Little Picasso

I decided to start a tradition with Miguel and have him paint a canvas the week of his birthday (8 Jan). I can't take full credit for the idea because my mom has the graduation pre-k children at her childcare paint a canvas before they leave for Kindergarten, and she displays the masterpieces on the walls at her school.

Miguel and I went to Michael's and bought an 11x14 canvas and a set of acrylic paints. I laid out a plastic table cloth on the kitchen floor and stripped him down to his diaper. Acrylic paint comes off skin, but not clothes. Unfortunately, I should have paid closer attention because Miguel mistook my pj's for his canvas. Oh, well.

Checking the paint out

Yum, this paint stirrer aka chopstick sure tastes good.
I'm getting the hang of it!
Want some, Momma?
Concentrating hard on painting my leg...notice the tongue.
Finished masterpiece!


Unknown said...

Miguel, your painting is awesome! I need you to teach me how to do that sometime. Hope all is well.

Your friend,