I finally remembered to re-charge the battery for my camera and decided I would try to take a few photos of Miguelito. Try meaning sneak up on him while he is doing something utterly adorable, which he does every single day, and snap a few photos while he is unaware of the camera because once he sees the camera the photo taking is over. done. fini.
One of Miguelito favorite activities is to take things out of something and then put them back in and then take them out again and move onto to the next eye catching thing leaving the mess for Mommy to clean up. Today he decided he needed to take all the books out of the basket, but as he took a book out he would flip through a few pages and then move onto the next book. It was as if he was looking for something interesting to read. Adorable.
Being the sneaky Mommy I am, I walked as quietly as possible to the kitchen to retrieve the camera and then steathly snuck up on him to take a photo of above said utterly adorable thing. Unfortunately, he has impeccable hearing...must of gotten that trait from me because Miguel numero uno certainly doesn't hear that well or maybe he just ignores me, but I digress...and he heard me take the lens cover off and came right over to me to inspect the camera (see exhibit A).
Of course, he decided he was not close enough and it was not enough to just look at the camera, but he needed to touch it (see exhibit B).
Things quickly escalated into a full on meltdown mode with the usual ending photo of Miguelito throwing a fit...most certainly a trait from Miguel numero uno because everyone knows Mommy is a perfect angel again, I digress. The cause of the meltdown was because I would not let him lick the camera lens. Mean Mommy. see exhibit D
All I can say is may the force be with you, Jen Weintraub, for our family photo session in two weeks.
Sneaky Mommy hid the camera behind the pillows on the couch and waited for the next opportunity to subject Miguelito to a little camera torture. A little later in the evening Miguelito had long forgotten about the camera and came toddling down the hallway holding a water bottle and I was able to snap one photo before he came running to the camera (see exhibit E). Ahhh! Round Two goes to Mommy!
Your resident Geek fixed the links in this post, too. Maybe, if you're a good girl, you'll get your camera.
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