Sunday, March 9, 2008

Hi Ho Hi Ho...

It's off to the doctor we go...AGAIN! It seems that Amoxcil is pink junk in a bottle and does nothing for Miguelito. He and I flew home yesterday evening and by this morning he was running fever again and not himself. The cough is gone, but the runny nose continues. He is half way through the second 10 day course of Amoxcil, and he is no better. So it looks like he is going back to the pediatrician tomorrow.

I started Zithromax on Friday for my self diagnosed sinus infection and hacking cough. I still feel like a freight train plowed over me, so I am calling the doctor for myself as well tomorrow.

And the cherry on the proverbial top of it all is Miguel says he has a headache and doesn't feel well. Of course, he blames his sickness on Miguelito and me, but seriously, we have been home together for less than 24 hours. (Insert the most loving voice ever here.) Give me a break, dude. Could you have possibly contracted something from the 1000 or so people you were with last week?!?!

So much for the TLC I was hoping for this week...guess I will be the one giving out the TLC now.


Dawn Endres said...

*Hugs* I hope you both feel better soon.

Melanie said...

Oh no I hope y'all get healthy soon. And that totally sounds like something my husband would say.